Providing the most advanced anti-aging injection techniques, skincare products, and innovative procedures in Wilmington.

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  • Botox Wilmington nc aesthetic medical skincare renew you

    Wrinkle Relaxer Injections

    Best known as Botox, neurotoxin injections are used to temporary disrupt muscle contraction, there by causing a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Results may vary but can last as long as 3 to 6 months. At ReNew You, we carry Botox, Jeuveau, Dysport, and Xeomin. Before your injections, you will meet for a consultation to obtain a medical history and ensure that neurotoxins are a safe treatment option for you.

    Downtime: You may notice bumps immediately after injection, they usually resolve within 10 minutes. You will want to avoid intense cardio type exercises 4 hours after your injections.

    Is it painful? No, small insulin syringes are used for injections.

    Cost: Starting at $12 per unit.

  • Dermal Fillers

    As we age, the bones in our face recede and we lose volume in our face. As we lose volume, our skin starts to sag and we develop wrinkles and folds. Hyaluronic acid (HA) can help correct volume loss and also help balance proportions. HA is a temporary dermal filler that can last 9 months to 1 year. ReNew You currently carries the Restylane family of fillers (Lyft, Dyfine, Kysse, Contour) Radiesse, Belotero and Revanesse Lips.

    Downtime: You may experience mild swelling and bruising. Vigorous exercise or massaging injection areas should be avoided.

    Is it painful? Topical numbing cream can be applied in sensitive areas like the lips. Dental blocks with lidocaine also used for lip filler treatments. Fillers are specially formulated with lidocaine to help with pain and discomfort.

    Cost: Starting at $600.

  • Candela Exceed micro needling Wilmington nc aesthetic medical skincare

    Microneedling with Candela Exceed

    Microneedling, also known as percutaneous collagen induction, is a nonsurgical treatment that uses very fine, short, sterile needles to create tiny punctures in your skin, prompting a natural healing process that stimulates collagen production. The collagen boost helps reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and acne scars. Candela Exceed is the first dual-indicated treatment that is FDA-cleared for facial acne scars and facial wrinkles. Prior to your procedure, we will apply prescription strength topical anesthetic cream for 25 minutes.

    Downtime: You may noticed redness for the first 1-2 days. You will want to avoid sweating the first day but then you may proceed with your usual daily activities. Your skin may peel the first week. Avoid skincare products with active ingredients like Retinol, tretinoin, Vitamin C, and AHAs for the first 5 days after procedure.

    Is it painful: No! We will apply topical numbing cream for 30 minutes prior to procedure.

    Cost: Starting at $250, if boosts added like PRP, price increases. PRP is platelet rich plasma, drawn from your own blood to increase results and healing process.

  • IPL Photofacial

    Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) used to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After just one treatment, patients notice significant improvement in the complexion and clarity of the skin. Lumecca provides a photo facial through the delivery of comfortable light treatment and can be used on all areas of the body. The most common areas of treatment are those that are regularly exposed to sun. This often includes the face, neck, décolletage, legs, hands, and arms.

    IPL targets age spots (red/brown pigmentations), vascular lesions such as spider veins, rosacea (redness), freckles, and sun damage.

    Downtime: There is little to no downtime. Patient notice a little redness on the face or body that does away after a few hours. You can have mild swelling the first few days, especially if vascular lesions are targeted.

    Procedure: Your skin will be prepped with medical grade skincare and antiseptic. You will wear eye protection. Plan for 60 minutes for your appointment, actual procedure only takes approximately 20 minutes, depending on size of area.

    It is not painful. During the treatment you will feel a sensation on your skin that feels like a light snap from an elastic band. We can also apply topical numbing cream for 25 minutes prior to procedure if needed.

    Aftercare: You will want to cool the skin with cool compress the first day (provided by clinic). You will need to apply a sunblock 1-2 times per day.

    Results: Lumecca provides excellent results in as little as 1-2 sessions, compared with other IPL treatments that can take 5-6 sessions. After just a single session, patients notice significant improvements in their complexion and skin.

    Cost: Depends on the area, face starts at $350.

  • Radio Frequency Microneedling

    Revitalize your skin! Tighten skin, reduce scarring, and remove fine lines with Morpheus8. This revolutionary technology combines microneedling with radio frequency. The microneedlies penetrate the skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing process, returning to a fresh, youthful look to your skin. The radio-frequency heats the deep layers of the skin to precise temperatures that cause the fibroseptal network to contract and pull your skin tight.

    Downtime: There is a little bit of redness and possibly some swelling for 1-3 days but nothing that will prohibit you from your daily activities. You can cannot put on your regular make up the first 48 hours so plan your treatment accordingly.

    Procedure: Depending on the area, Morpheus8 typically takes 30-60 minutes after 45-60 minutes of topical numbing cream.

    Results: Results will start to appear as early as a week after your first treatment and continue to improve for months as your skin heals and new collagen is formed.

    We typically recommend a series of three treatments spaced one month apart, but most people notice results after one treatment.

    Cost: Price depends on area, discounts with packages. Face starts at $1000, focused treatments just around mouth is $450. Package purchase includes Revisions 45 day Pre and Post care treatment kit.

    NEW! NEW! NEW! Now offering Nitronox, 50/50 for Morpheus patients.

  • Body Remodeling and Tightening

    Morpheus8 Body is the newest innovation in fractional microneedling and radio frequency. This treatment is great for someone who wants to shape areas of the body without surgery. We can tighten skin, melt fat, and improve surface irregularities all with one treatment! After numbing, the microneedles penetrate the skin and emit radio frequency energy that targets fat and the fiber-septal network. With Burst technology, we can treat three different depths on the same pass, shrinking the treatment time by two-thirds!

    Downtime: There is little no no downtime. You might notice some redness and swelling for 1-3 days.

    Procedure: Sessions can vary, depending on the area being treated, but typically expect to spend 90 minutes to 2 hours.

    Results: You can expect to see results a few weeks after your first treatment. Results will improve over the next 6 months as your body reacts and reforms.

    Number of treatments depends on each person’s body and goals. Typically we recommend a 3-treatment course.

    Cost: Depends on size of area, starts at $1100, discounts with packages.

  • Hand Rejuvenation

    Hand Rejuvenation: One of my favorite procedures. Improve the appearance of your hands with Radiesse. Immediate results with increased volume but then stimulates collagen and elastin with even better results after 4-6 week. Starting at $550.

Wilmington nc skincare medical aesthetic botox

ReNew You carries Revision Skincare and Isdin products. We utilize prescriptions as well, depending on your skin care needs. Bring a picture of your regimen with you to your consultation.

We will strive to find the best regimen that works

for you.